18|Orion is a collection of the brightest minds in content.


Johnson & Johnson. Randstad. Monster.com. Marriott. IBM.

Our content experts have worked with some of the biggest brands in finance, media, and technology. We've grown audiences. We've driven engagement. We've increased brand awareness and affinity. We don't have a secret weapon. We just know how to merge data, storytelling, and exceptional service to deliver what matters most to marketers—ROI.


Experienced leadership

18|Orion is led by Ryan Galloway, a veteran content strategist and content marketing thought leader. With a record of building audiences and driving engagement for Fortune 500 companies, Ryan is known for combining creativity with data and analytics to help brands achieve measurable ROI on their content investment. He's held content leadership positions at companies like Ladders, The Hired Guns, and, most recently, Contently, where he served as their Director of Branded Content Services. In that role, he built, facilitated, and consulted on content and social strategies for brands like JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Uber, Facebook, Google, Marriott, and more.